Policy Notices and Insurance Certificate - Crawley Croquet Club

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Policy Notices and Insurance Certificate


This document sets out how Crawley Croquet Club (CCC) satisfies the processing requirements
of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which come into force in May 2108.

The club requests the following personal data from its members
• name
• telephone number(s)
• email address
• postal address
• croquet handicap levels
All of this data is held securely by the Secretary for administrative purposes.

Our members can agree to any or all or none of the following options:

in relation to our own club activities:
• allow your name, phone number(s), email address and handicap to be sent to other members and displayed
on a list in the Clubhouse  (postal addresses will not be included)
• receive occasional emails or written correspondence relating to the club’s activities or other croquet-related matters

in relation to the Croquet Association (CA):
• allow your name and postal address to be passed to the CA so that you can become a Standard Member of the CA
• allow the remainder of your personal data to be passed to the CA
• allow CA members of all clubs of which you may be a member to see your data
• allow all CA members to see your data
(The CA processes any personal data you have allowed them to have in accordance with their data Sharing Agreement
which may be viewed on their website at https:// www.croquet.org.uk)

Your data will be deleted 15 months after you cease to be a member.

CCC will not provide your personal information to any other party without your written consent.

If members of this club wish to amend or request deletion of their personal data they should contact the Secretary.  

(This Policy was approved at the Club's AGM 6th April 2018 and copied to all current members)

Code of Good Practice - Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Children are currently legally defined as persons of less than 18 years of age.   Vulnerable Adults are currently legally defined as vulnerable only if they are receiving health or personal care, but this club recognises that anyone can be subject to abuse and thus this policy should be read with adults as well as children in mind. References herein to children should be read as also applying to Vulnerable Adults where the latter can be reasonably identified as such by our members.

The Club is at present unable to cater for unaccompanied children. Whilst this situation might change at some future time, the following practice is advised.

Children attending the club must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or by their own Group Leader(s) in the case of groups.  Members should not put themselves in the position of being alone with a child but should ensure that they are always in the open or within sight or hearing of other adults when interacting with young people.

Avoid allowing children to enter the clubhouse; where circumstance such as weather conditions result in children being allowed to enter the clubhouse their accompanying adult  must also be present.  As our current toilet facilities are some distance from our clubhouse and lawns, any children needing to use toilet facilities should be accompanied by their parent/guardian/Group Leader(s).

Physical contact, "horseplay", taunting, suggestive comments or other potentially inappropriate
behaviour should be avoided.  If members observe this type of behaviour between members of a group of visiting children it should be drawn to the attention of their parents/guardians/Group
Leader(s) immediately.

All members should make themselves familiar with the Safeguarding Policy and are reminded that if a child reports an incidence of abuse to a member, the member should ensure that the conversation is only continued in an area within sight of others and that he/she never gives a promise of secrecy.

Reporting Procedure

If any form of abuse is observed, suspected or reported to a member it must be acted upon. An incident report form must be filled in by the reporting member and the Club Safeguarding Officer must be informed at the earliest possible opportunity. The Officer will then report the incident to the Club Chairman and together they will decide on the appropriate course of action - which may be to involve Police, Social Services or NSPCC.

Safeguarding Officer:
Olive Anscombe.             
(This document was approved at the Club's AGM 7th April 2017)

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